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We currently ship throughout the United States. To preview shipping costs + options, please add your desired items to cart and continue to checkout. Shipping will be determined by product weight and delivery location. You will receive a tracking number upon payment and a notification when your product has been shipped.
Please inquire if your shipping location is outside of the US.
Delivery will occur by appointment Monday - Friday during business hours. For selected small products and sample orders, delivery is arranged through UPS. For products, curbside delivery is arranged through FedEx Freight.
Products delivered through FedEx Freight will have "Liftgate Delivery" included, which means that your product will be offloaded from the delivery truck. Once the product has been delivered to the curbside, the receiver will be responsible for moving the product to site and any necessary material handling equipment. A forklift or pallet jack may be required for moving larger pieces and is not provided by the shipper.
Inside delivery is available upon request. White glove placement is not available at this time.
Orders will arrive individually wrapped, foamed in place, and packed in museum quality crates. Unless otherwise specified, they will be delivered to the curbside in front of your delivery location.
By signing the delivery receipt, you are certifying that your product(s) is free of defects and damages that may have occurred during transit. Please carefully uncrate your order — as per the instructions below — and review the condition upon arrival. Report any damages immediately upon receipt of shipment.
The top and sides of the crates can be removed using a cordless drill fitted with a #2 Robertson driver bit. Once unwrapped from the crate, your piece can be carried to the installation location and further unwrapped in place. Please note that for our largest pieces you may need up to 6 people for moving into place. Some of our products, like our fire features and water features, require assembly. Please refer to our product-specific installation guides for detailed information.
Always take care when lifting and moving heavy objects! We recommend enlisting movers or day laborers to help move your product from the curb to the permanent site.
Be sure to clear the path from curb to final destination ahead of time. Check the corresponding product page for weight, and prepare necessary moving equipment ahead of the delivery date.
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